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KNU & KT Sign Business Agreement to Cultivate Software Talent

On May 25th, Kyungpook National University signed a business agreement with KT Co., Ltd. (CEO Koo Hyun-mo) in the 1st Conference Room of the KNU Main Building to cultivate talent in the software field.

Under the agreement, the two organizations decided to jointly work on cultivating core practitioners in the field of software through the KT AIVLE School, a youth AI and DX (digital transition) talent development program operated by KT.

The main contents of the agreement include: 1) Participation in the KNU software curriculum (KT AIVLE School); 2) Consideration of and cooperation in the linking of university credit with the completion of the KT AIVLE School Course; 3) Cooperation and infrastructure support for KNU toward the operation of the KT AIVLE School Course; and 4) Joint cooperation between the two institutions in discovering and operating software-related human resource development projects that take into account regional and university-specific industries.

Ahn Chang-yong, head of the KT Daegu & Gyeongbuk Metropolitan Division, said, “We will do our best to produce excellent digital capable talent with this agreement while providing practical assistance toward not only expanding the AI foundation and competitiveness of the local community, but also toward expanding students' opportunities for future employment.”

Lim Sang-gyu, KNU Director of Student Affairs, noted, “Kyungpook National University has led the growth of national industries by fostering talented people in the electronics, semiconductor, and information and communication sectors for the past 50 years. We will continue to promote such customized education that reflects the demand for talent in the high-tech fields of the 4th Industrial Revolution.”

  • File : 협약식.png