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KNU College of Pharmacy Attains Accreditation Certification

Kyungpook National University’s College of Pharmacy has received an accreditation certification from the Evaluation Institute of Pharmacy Education for the period of 2015-19. The assessment conducted by the Korea Pharmaceutical Testing Service revealed on December 28th that three universities namely, Kyungpook National University, Seoul National University, and Chungbuk National University, met all certification standards and therefore received the new accreditation certificate.
The College of Pharmacy’s accreditation review was performed this year for the first time to test the College’s curriculum and overall graduation conditions to determine whether or not it met the necessary requirements for the training of pharmacists. Evaluation was conducted in 6 areas (system of operation, educational goals and curriculum, students, professors, educational facilities and installments, and education after graduation) with 70 Questions, consisting of seven essential criteria questions, 46 general questions, and 17 questions to determine outstanding performance.
In the “outstanding” category KNU was selected in nine areas, which included assessment criteria such as research power, employment rate, etc. as demonstrating best practices that can lead to excellence in Pharmacy education.
The Kyungpook National University College of Pharmacy was established in 2011. Over the last three years the College has had an impressive annual average of 6.75 published articles and 0.68 patents per lecturer, reaffirming the outstanding performance of its professors.
In 2015, the department’s entire first graduating class passed the National Pharmacy Exam and achieved a 100% employment record. Many of the graduates were recruited by hospitals, pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies, and various other institutions, while others proceeded on to graduate schools.
The head of the Pharmacy Department at KNU, Song Gyeongsik, attributed the department’s excellent performance to the hard work of both its faculty and students, stating: “As we prepare for the next accreditation exercise, we can look back objectively at the school for inspiration”.  Dr. Song also revealed that KNU’s College of Pharmacy will continue to work hard to ensure that the school meets the highest international standards.
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