Samsoor Ihsan
Nationality | Afghanistan |
Classification | Master Majored in Food Security and Agriculture Development |
Currently, there are developed countries in the world, one of them is South Korea.
Which has the most advanced modern technology in agriculture ,I also chose South Korea for my master's program.Because not only has advanced technology, but Korean people are very moral, kind hearted, hardworking, loving, educated and have a good culture.Also, Korea has 238 universities, of which Kyungpok National University ranks first among national universities, 16th in Korea, and 520th in the world.South Korea has a lot of high-achieving students and this is because of the very demanding educational system.
The students spend most of their time in the schools studying (12-16 hours per day) and the teachers only focus on achieving good results so the curriculum is very test focused , I also chose Kyungpook National University in South Korea and completed my studies in excellent form with the help of KOICA program with the help of expert professors.
I am very grateful to the Korean government, my professors, and all the personnel of the KOICA program.

Li WeiQi
Nationality | China |
Classification | Ph.D majored in Media Communication |
2009年9月,高中毕业后,怀着对未来的憧憬与期待,穿着为留学特意量身定制的西装,我坐上了飞往韩国的飞机,从此踏上了韩国留学之路。时间一转眼已经过去了13年,这13年间,我在庆北大学一路完成了本,硕,博学业,2022年8月19日,我获得了庆北大学媒体传播学博士学位,结束了我13年的留学生活。 在庆北大学的13年,让我对这所拥有百年历史的韩国第一国立大学充满了母校情节。它让我感到骄傲与自豪,这份自豪是来自于庆北大学不断增强的综合实力,不断提高的国际排名以及不可估量的未来发展。13年间,校园里拥有了越来越多的地标建筑。新建的GP大楼,宿舍楼和师范学院,翻新的图书馆和博物馆,每一栋建筑都是庆北大学迅猛发展的见证者。在2022THE世界大学影响力排名中,庆北大学位列世界第十三位,韩国第一位,成为了名副其实的Korea NO. 1 University。 它为学生们提供了各式各样的机会,让渺小的我看到了更广阔的世界。大二的暑假我到上海参加学校组织的现场实习,不仅拿到了学校的补助金还可以认证学分;大四上半学期,我参加了国际交流处组织的菲律宾游学活动,拿到了奖学金还免修了一学期课程。在菲律宾的三个半月时间里,不仅英语能力有了很大的提升,还趁着每个周末和假期对菲律宾进行了个‘深度游’。 它让我的留学生活多姿多彩,在异国他乡也有归属感。国际交流处每学期都会为外国留学生举行免费的文化体验活动,每年的校庆,学校都会为中国留学生保留一个摊位。从前些年的中国美食品尝,到近些年的中国传统服饰体验,中国留学生在用自己的方式努力传播着中国文化。 它让我成为一个温柔又有力量的人。这些力量来自于教授们的言传身教,老子云:“师者,传道,授业,解惑者“。而我在母校遇到的每一位教授,大概都将这三件事情做到了极致。大学的时候系里组织外国人集体旅行,有位教授看到我发烧了,回校后就送了一袋维他命片给我,还叮嘱我独自在国外求学最重要的就是身体将康。这件事情像一颗种子一样在我的心里生根发芽,让我暗暗下定决定:以后我也要成为像他一样的教授。 如果让我给我的母校一个定义,我想是“完美的不允许任何人批评的存在”。 我爱它的每一个角落,没有课的下午可以带着面包渣去日清谭旁看喷泉喂鸽子,十分轻松惬意;天气炎热的暑假可以窝在图书馆的沙发上吹免费的空调,无比凉爽舒适; 夏日黄昏,在校园里练习滑板的少年身上散发的是青春的味道,大运动场上健身夜跑的人们构成了最美的画面; 工大食堂永远有最多的学生在排队,福祉管新开的炒年糕小店深受全校师生们的欢迎; 人文大一楼复印店的大叔是中文高手,游泳馆里看起来平平无奇阿姨们却是游泳健将... 还有太多太多对母校的美好回忆时常浮现在眼前,挥之不去。 2022年9月5日,心怀种种不舍,我离开了这所敬爱的母校,坐上了回国的飞机赴厦门理工大学工作,去推开另一所陌生的大门。临别时刻,系里的教授对我说,不管我走到哪里,他们都是我最坚实的后盾。2022年11月,经过多方协商与努力,厦门理工大学影视与传播学院与庆北大学媒体传播系签订学科合作框架协议,根据协议,双方将会在学科建设,科学研究,人才培养等方面探索交流,实现合作共赢。于我而言,这份合作协议给我13年的韩国留学生活画上了最完美的句号,即便离开了母校的庇护,还是可以和母校保持千丝万缕的连系,是何其荣幸! 庆北大学的校园里,4月的樱花还是会开,10月的银杏也还是会落下,一批又一批的中国学子入学又毕业。而我走在新校园里,仍怀揣着对母校的思念。未来的路虽然充满挑战,但我也愿为了母校的荣耀,携梦前行,不惧风雪。 最后,真心的祝愿母校越来越好,创造出更大的辉煌,培育出更多的人才!

Olimov Bekhzod
Nationality | Uzbekistan |
Classification | Ph.D majored in Computer Science & Engineering |
My name is Bekhzod Olimov, and I graduated in Aug. 2022 with a Ph.D degree from Computer science and engineering department of Kyungpook National University. I am really happy that I achieved the most expected dream of my life and finished my studies but from the other side I feel quite sad that I need to leave this wonderful university. Because for the last three years, this place became my second home and professors, university staff became my family. First of all, I would like to show my sincerest gratitude to my supervisor, professor Jeonghong Kim for accepting me as a PhD student in 2019. At that time, I felt myself quite poor at not only doing research but also in other life aspects. However, my supervisor could see my potential for doing research and gave me a chance to continue my acadbic studies under his supervision. Thanks to his proper guidance, continuous support, positive way of thinking, and wise advice, I obtained motivation to continue my studies despite huge obstacles and hardships in my research during the PhD degree studies. Although the programming assignments, reports, and presentations were really hard to complete, the process of preparing of these tasks resulted in great amount of knowledge and unforgettable experience. In addition, I would like to thank all staff mbbers of the computer science and engineering department for their support throughout my PhD studies. No matter what problb I had related to the curriculum, they always properly guided me and recommended methods to solve these problbs. And of course, there is one team, which greatly contributed to my interesting journey here in KNU. This is the office of international affairs. I was always satisfied visiting the international office and enjoyed conversations with all the staff mbbers starting from my first day when I came to submit my documents to start my PhD studies until today. The fact that all staff mbbers are fluent in English makes international students’ life very convenient. Because the students can always visit the international office, ask any question and find an answer in English. Also, the international office provides KINGS scholarship for international students and the graduate school students who show excellence in their studies can get up to 100% tuition fee reduction, which makes the study in KNU absolutely free. Certainly, studying in graduate school is not only about research. There are a number of extracurricular activities that make the life of an international student more fascinating and enjoyable. Also, there are various sports facilities in KNU, such as basketball, volleyball and tennis courts, soccer field, gym, swimming pool, and even a golf course. I personally used gym and swimming pool of KNU sports centre for a long time and could say without any doubt that the facilities are modern and clean and also the price is cost-effective. This was a summary of only a small part of my unforgettable stay in KNU. To sum up, I would say that graduation marks the end of another extraordinary chapter of our lives. And I am sure that KNU made this chapter special and unforgettable.

Mathakadeera Arachchige Muneera Dilhani
Nationality | Sri-Lanka |
Classification | B.A majored in English language & literature |
Belongs | Working at Sri-Lanka bbassy in Korea |
My name is Muneera and I am from Sri Lanka. I am an undergraduate student who is majoring English language and Literature in Kyungpook National University. Although I graduated a few years ago, I still rbbber the first day of my university life. I joined KNU as a Korean Language learner in 2015. It's hard to believe that I've spent 6 wonderful springs in KNU. Since the first day in KNU there are so many people who helped me to become who I am today. Especially when I came to South Korea, Korean language was a very strange language to me. Therefore it was a great challenge to learn it. But with the help of all the mbbers in language center in KNU, I completed my Korean language program successfully. Then I enrolled for my bachelor's degree in English department. Since the freshman year I've been helped by everyone. Especially the professors in our department willingly helped students to understand the study materials. Sometimes they even repeated the same thing in both English and Korean language. Became they always wanted both Korean and foreign students to understand the lecture clearly. Another significant fact was in our department we were allowed to do choose our subjects by ourselves. It was a considerable opportunity for me to decide what I was going to learn every sbester. Also I would like to mention about the English department and International Affairs office, because they helped by updating us with the newest information about scholarships and various programs. Furthermore, I have learned not only theories which related to my degree but also how to understand people and live with thb. Finally, I would like to thank assistant of English department, my advising professor and all the professors and lecturers in KNU, and all my friends both Koreans and foreigners. I'll never regret my decision that I made to join KNU. Thank you.

Sangharsh Soumein Satpathy
Nationality | India |
Classification | Masters in Business Administration |
Belongs | Working at Hyundai company in Korea |
Dear Office of International Affairs, KNU This is Sangharsh Soumein Satpathy from KGSP 2014 batch. (KNU : 2015 ~2017, Masters in Business Administration) Wish you a warm and Happy New Year 2022. There is yet another wonderful news from my side which I would like to share with you. A few days ago, I was selected to be one of the faces of Hyundai Motor Company and have been published in Team Hyundai Global Website. My journey so far would not have been possible without the constant support & encouragbent I got from the office of international affairs at KNU during my period of study at the campus. So, the credit goes to you all.

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Dang Trung Dung
Nationality | Vietnam |
Belongs | Deputy Head - Communication and Branding Office |
Senior Lecturer - School of Chemical Engineering | |
Hanoi University of Science and Technology | |
Homepage | |
Kyungpook National University - The place I always remember
In the last days of February 2008, when I first set foot in Korea, the initial feelings for me were not pleasant. The cold in this country is the first obstacle for me - a person from the tropics. The gray sky, the bare branches, the strange voices that I can't understand make me feel empty and lonely.
My first days in KNU – with my advisor and labmates, colleages
But then encouragement, sharing and support from respected professor Kim Kyu Man, my advisor and the labmates in the laboratory helped me overcome the initial difficulties. During 4 years, working in Micro Systems and Nano Engineering Lab, School of Mechanical Engineering is extremely hard with many jobs, sometimes we work until 1-2 am. But besides work, there are hours of fun, rest and extremely fun partying with advisor and labmates. Gradually, I became familiar with the land, people and culture, quite naturally, as my Korean friends commented: Trung-Dung is already a half Korean person.After 4 years of hard working, I am very proud to receive my PhD from Kyungpook School. During the farewell, I said to my respected advisor: "You are like my father, my eldest brother, and Korea has become my second home."
My advisor and me in Hanoi University of Science and Technology
My advisor and my family
Now I have a good job and life in Vietnam. I am an associate professor at Hanoi University of Science and Technology - the best technical university in Vietnam. I continues to develop the research done at Kyungpook National University and keep a good cooperative relationship with my advisor - professor Kim Kyu Man.
Hanoi University of Science and Technology - Associate professor appointment
I will always thank Kyungpook National University, which has formed the cornerstone for my current successes.

Dr. Liakat Ali
Nationality | Bangladesh |
Classification | Ph.D. in Applied Biosciences |
To introduce myself, my name is Liakat Ali, and I earned my doctorate in Applied Biosciences from KNU in February of 2022. My journey to South Korea started with the learning of the Korean language. The language school, my international companions, the delicious cuisine, and the fascinating culture of South Korea were all highlights of my time there. The KNU folks were really kind, and I appreciated their openness. I'm happy to have finished higher education, which was my life's biggest aim, but I'll miss it. The time that I spent at KNU will forever be etched in my memory with a wealth of wonderful events. To begin, I would want to express my deepest appreciation to professor Jeong-Dong Lee, my PhD advisor, for welcoming me to his lab in 2018. It was a long and arduous road to complete the research, stay on schedule, and finish the thesis. My instructor has been very helpful with his insightful advice, unwavering encouragement, and optimistic outlook. I was able to achieve my objective with the help of KNU's excellent academic system and lab facilities. I obtained motivation to continue my studies despite huge obstacles and hardships in my research during the PhD degree studies. In addition, I would like to thank all staff members of the Applied Biosciences department for their support throughout my PhD studies. I could not forget the guidance and support of the office of the international affairs which greatly contributed to my interesting journey here at KNU. I've always loved visiting the international office and chatting with the personnel, from the day I arrived to until now. Certainly, studying in graduate school is not only about research. A multitude of extracurricular events make the life of an international student more interesting and delightful, including cultural evenings, university day music performances, cuisine festivals, and historical excursions. Also, there are various sports facilities in KNU, such as basketball, volleyball, tennis courts, soccer field, gym, swimming pools, and even a golf course. I was there in the colorful Daegu city with my boy and wife, they also have good memories of South Korea. These are the little samples of my fantastic time at KNU. For the sake of a lasting friendship, I hold out hope that our fields of study can continue to work together.