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Kyungpook National University Opens Leading Research Center for Regional Innovation in Carbon-Neutral Intelligent Energy Systems


On November 16, Kyungpook National University (KNU) held an opening ceremony for the ‘Leading Research Center for Regional Innovation in Carbon-Neutral Intelligent Energy Systems’ (hereinafter referred to as Leading Research Center) at Sangju Campus Student Center. Won-Hwa Hong, President of KNU, Young-Seok Kang, Mayor of Sangju, and Bu Ki Lim, Vice-Chairman of the Sangju City Council attended the opening ceremony.

The Leading Research Center, led by Jong Wook Roh, KNU professor of the School of Nanomaterials Engineering, opened in response to its selection for the ‘Support Project for Regional Leading Research Centers (RLRC) for Innovative Growth‘ by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Information and Communication.

With KRW 12.7 billion of national and local research funds over the next seven years, the center will develop highly efficient, eco-friendly energy platforms through multidisciplinary convergence research between nanotechnology, information technology, and energy technology, as well as smart solutions to effectively manage such platforms.

Through the project, KNU will also work with Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology to develop standard energy technology for carbon neutrality and secure source technology for the innovation of energy materials, components, and systems.

President Won-Hwa Hong says, "No one can be exempt from working towards creating a sustainable planet. Among 17 metropolitan cities and provinces in Korea, Gyeongbuk Province produces the third-highest emissions of greenhouse gas. Thus, it is now a crucial time to develop research and professionals for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In this regard, the Leading Research Center for Regional Innovation in Carbon-Neutral Intelligent Energy Systems seeks to serve as not only a foundational research center in Gyeongbuk Province developing next-generation energy materials and systems, but also a hub for industry-academic cooperation with local companies."

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