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KNU Hosts GTU Festival for Prospective Teachers

On May 16, the Kyungpook National University Global Teacher Training Center Project Group (hereafter “GTU Project Group,” Director Chae Yeon-suk, Professor of German Education, Department of European Language Education), together with the Global Teacher Training Base University Master’s Degree Joint Curriculum Project Group (hereafter “GTU Master’s Project Group,” Head Professor Hyo-nyeong Lee, Department of Earth Science Education) held the “Global Teachers University (GTU) Festival” in Room 215 of the KNU College of Education. The Festival was attended by officials from the University of North Alabama (hereafter UNA), including the Director of International Relations, Dean of the College of Education, as well as professors from the KNU College of Education, and a total of approximately 80 students.

With the stated purpose of a workshop for a university-operated Korea-US joint master’s degree curriculum, the event was divided into a two-part “Description of an International Education Program.” In the first part, the program was explained to current professors and students of the KNU College of Education through presentations by the project group leader and program participants. In the second part, UNA officials explained UNA's various international education programs and also set aside time for a question and answer session.

A presentation about Winter 2022 U.S. internships and other programs was very well received due to proactive and effective publicity. The GTU Master's Project Group expects this event will further publicize the GTU program and inspire curiosity and motivation in more people to participate in the program.

The KNU College of Education was selected for the “Global Teacher Training Base University Master’s Degree Joint Curriculum Project,” supported by the Ministry of Education and the Korean National Research Foundation in May 2020. To support the acquisition of dual degrees at both domestic and American universities, various programs are being operated and supported, including educational internships during school vacations, presentation contests for classes conducted in English, support for taking English courses, and new student orientations.