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Kyungpook National University – Seoul National University – Chonnam National University Sign MOU for the Development of Data Science


Kyungpook National University (KNU) officially signed an MOU for ‘The Development of Data Science’ with Seoul National University (SNU) and Chonnam National University (CNU) in an online conference held on July 21, 2021.

The agreement was made by the 3 universities with the objective of developing top-tier graduate school educational programs and research models for data science to satisfy the increasing demand for specialists in AI and Big Data. With this agreement, the 3 universities will seek ways to develop and define the role of being an international hub for data science education and development.

At present, KNU and CNU are at the processing stage of establishing a graduate school program for data science, while Seoul National University has already established its Graduate School of Data Science last March. 

Key agreements of the MOU are as follows:

SNU will transfer its expertise of developing a graduate school program for data science with regard to curriculum development, faculty employment, student recruitment, and education and research environment, after KNU and CNU officially establish their respective Graduate School of Data Science.

Joint research, exchange of programs, exchange of human resources, and collaboration in industry-university projects will be co-developed to promote the development of data science.

Revision of school regulations to promote the development of data science as well as joint-cooperation with the local government, such as in the funding of university facilities, will be agreed upon and appropriately undertaken.

On this, the president of KNU, Dr. Won-hwa Hong, declares, “Data science is expected to play a pivotal role in fostering industrial ecosystems within the Fourth Industrial Revolution and has the potential to grow in multitudinous ways. It is with high hopes that our universities will be key institutes leading at the forefront welcoming these new global changes.” He adds, “KNU will actively cooperate with SNU and CNU to foster data scientists of global capacity.”

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