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Kyungpook National University’s Teachers College Receives Highest Score in the 2015 National Evalu

Kyungpook National University’s Teachers College Receives Highest Score in the 2015 National Evaluation of Teacher Education
The teacher's College at KNU has acquired an “A-class” evaluation score in the 4th national evaluation for teacher education held in 2015. Evaluation criteria consisted of four areas (condition of education, curriculum, education performance, specialized courses) and 22 indexes, including rate of full-time teacher, teacher certification, educational restitution rate, management of field curriculum, satisfaction research, etc.).
Evaluation specialists conducted on-the-spot inspections and evaluated the demonstration of teaching at each eligible institute. Universities receiving a C-class evaluation rating are required to reduce their entrance quota by 30%, while those receiving a D-class rating have to reduce their entrance quota by 50%.
Among the 45 teacher's colleges in Korea, 16 universities including Kyungpook National University, Seoul National University, and Korea University have been given an A-class rating. As a result of the evaluation, KNU’s Teachers College will retain its current entrance quota and receive a commendation from the Minister of Education.
The KNU Teachers College has 70 years of history and is one of the best national teacher's colleges in Korea. The College has 16 schools/majors including Korean Language Education, English Education and others; and has maintained the highest rate of teacher certification in the country for the last eight years.
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