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[Article] 2021 Kyungpook National University Happy Meal Project

Kyungpook National University

Our school will implement the 1,000-won breakfast project from the 6th to November 30th. 1,000 won breakfast is offered to 200 students daily from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. on weekdays, excluding public holidays, for students enrolled in this school (undergraduate or graduate school who are on leave of absence). The government, schools, and students pay a total cost of 3,000 won, respectively. Users other than students have to pay the entire cost of 3,000 won. The project aims to provide subsidies from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Provide affordable convenience food for breakfast.

Students who want to use it can purchase a meal ticket from an unmanned meal ticket machine at the restaurant entrance and take a QR code of 1,000 won for breakfast. In situations such as poor QR code recognition, you can check your student ID, fill out your information in the 1,000 won breakfast provision ledger, and put 1,000 won in a cash injection box.

On the 6th, the first day of the 1,000 won breakfast, about 130 students, President Hong Won-Hwa, and about 20 officials visited to eat breakfast. On the 7th and 8th, about 140 students and 138 students used breakfast, respectively. Kim Jin-Hyun (IT University Electricity 15) said about the project, "It's good to start the day early to make breakfast yourself at a low price, and to visit in time for meals," adding, "However, it would be nice if the number of side dishes increases more than now."

Regarding the use of the restaurant, Kim Yoon-Hwa, a nutritionist at the information center restaurant, said, "In the case of a restaurant dedicated to students operated by the Living Cooperative (from now on, Life Cooperative), if the amount of rice, soup, and side dishes (excluding finished products) is insufficient, it is possible to refill."Regarding concerns about food shortages, he said, "Food ingredients are always prepared, so we can solve the problem by providing alternative menus."

Currently, only one of the student-only restaurants operated by the Living Cooperative has been selected as the place to implement the project due to its proximity to the central library. Students and Lee Mi-Hyang, an official in charge, said, "If the utilization rate increases in the future, other school restaurants such as cafeteria Cheomseong may provide 1,000 won of breakfast."

Choi Jeong-bun, head of the Planning and Management Division of the Living Association, said, "If the number of daily users is maintained at more than 100, we can positively review the re-progress of the project in the future," adding, "There is a possibility of a price cut."He also encouraged the use of 1,000 won breakfast, saying, "I think students tend to sleep more than eating breakfast, but I hope they can eat cheap breakfast and live healthier."A weekly diet of 1,000 won for breakfast can be found every week on the Living Cooperative website.


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