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「2022 Video Contest for Foreigners」Announcement


2022 Video Contest for ForeignersAnnouncement



Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs (JBCIA) announces the2022 Video Contest for Foreignersto expand mutual exchange between international newcomers residing in Korea and enhance the global awareness of Jeollabuk-do through the promotion ofJeollabuk-do’s charm.


1. Outline


m Title : 2022 Video Contest for Foreigners

m Eligibility : Any foreign resident in Korea (individual or team entry; up to two members in a team)
Foreigner : Anyone holding a foreign nationality such as international students, marriage migrants,
            foreign workers, permanent residents, or (ethnic) Koreans with foreign citizenship, etc.

If you participate as a team, there can be a maximum of two members and both members must be foreigners

m Application Period : Friday, April 8, 2022 ~ Monday, June 6, 2022 / 9 weeks

m Theme : Instructions for a Jeollabuk-do ‘Jeonbuk-newbie’ – someone who doesn’t know about Jeollabuk-do!
-Promoting the various charms of Jeollabuk-do to those unaware of the province

m Contest Category : Long / Short Film


Long Film

Short Film


No genre restriction

- Documentary/Animation/Vlog/

Advertisement/Movie etc.

No genre restriction

- Daily life/Information/Humor etc.


11 teams

11 teams


Grand Prize (1), First Prize (2), Second Prize (3), Third Prize (5)

Grand Prize (1), First Prize (2), Second Prize (3), Third Prize (5)


3 to 5 minutes

30 to 60 seconds


1920x1080 recommended /

16:9 or 1:1 ratio

4096x2160 recommended / 9:16 ratio

Video Audio and Subtitles

(i) Foreign language audio - Korean language subtitles / (ii) Korean language audio – Foreign language subtitles

(Choose 1) ※Subtitles are mandatory (subtitles in English are preferred)

How to submit

Upload the completed video to a video platform (e.g. YouTube), then attach the video link to the e-mailed application

You cannot participate in both categories and must choose between a long film or short film


m Examples of Subjects



Long Film

- A video introducing dynamic and enterprising Jeollabuk-do

- Content using the tourist attractions of Jeollabuk-do (Documentary, Music Video, Vlogs, etc.)

- A video promoting the future value of Jeollabuk-do and international competitions held in the province, such as ‘2023 Jamboree’ or ‘2023 Asia Pacific Masters Games’

Short film

- A guide to 10 famous Jeollabuk-do tourist attractions

- 7 tips to enjoy Jeollabuk-do’s famous tourist attractions

- Recommendations for 10 unknown picture spots

The examples given above are for reference only and the topic can be anything related to Jeollabuk-do

Videos about any of the specific Jeonbuk (short for Jeollabuk-do) regions detailed below will get an extra three points for the purpose of promoting these various regions of Jeonbuk

- Regions that get extra points are as follows: Buan, Gochang, Sunchang, Imsil, Muju, Jinan, Jangsu and Wanju

- Only accepted if more than ⅓ of the entire video is about a Jeonbuk region

- Even if the video is filmed in multiple regions mentioned above, no more than the maximum three bonus points will be given


2. Application Process


m Submission Period : Monday, May 23, 2022 ~ Monday, June 6, 2022 / 2 weeks

m How to apply: Submit the following documents via e-mail

m Requirements

(1) One copy of the Application Form for 2022 Video Contest for Foreigners

(2) One copy of the applicant’s Identity Verification Form

(3) One copy of the Consent to Collection and use of Personal Information Form

※ Team participants must each submit a consent form with their signature

※ Please send all of the required documents including (1), (2) and (3) via a single '.zip' file.

※ File Name: Applicant’s Name_Video

m Where to Submit : E-mail (, 063-280-6114)

m Registration Announcement : Tuesday, June 7, 2022
*Announced on JBCIA website(

3. Schedule


m Preliminary Round

- Date/Place: Thursday, June 9, 2022

- No. of selected teams : 22 teams (11 teams in the long film category/11 teams in the short film category)

- Selection method : Contest participants for final round will be selected by a preliminary evaluation committee

※ In the preliminary round, only submitted videos will be evaluated (participants will not attend)

- Result Announcement : Friday, June 10, 2022 *Announced on JBCIA website


m Final Round & Ceremony (Planned)

- Date/Place : 2 PM ~ 6PM on Saturday, June 18, 2022. Location to be determined

- Procedure : Applicants will deliver a presentation on their submitted video
(*Details to be given later)

- Number of participants : A total of 22 teams who made it to the final round
11 teams in the long film category/11 teams in the short film category )

※ As a ceremony is scheduled after the final round, finalists must participate in this event

※ Based on the COVID-19 situation at that time, the event might take place remotely (such as via video meeting)


4. Evaluation


m Evaluation Method

- Will be evaluated by an evaluation committee

- Each entry will be evaluated on their video and paperwork according to the criteria

- Each judge’s scores will be collated and averaged to give one score for each team

- If scores are tied, applicants who received a higher score in the criteria with a higher score distribution will be selected

m Evaluation method of key criteria


Evaluation Method


- Evaluate the possibility and suitability of utilizing the selected piece as an advertisement through various media and the effect it will have


- Evaluate the originality and creativity of the work and theme

- Evaluate whether the content and structure draw attention and positive responses such as sympathy and laughter from the audience


- Evaluate the validity of the topic selected and whether the piece conforms to the topic

- Evaluate whether the piece completes its purpose and meets the objective of the contest


- Evaluate the composition and development of the overall story

- Evaluate the clarification of the content and the message being delivered

- Evaluate the usage of visual materials, video editing skill, and visual style


- Evaluate the participant’s initiative and drive

- Evaluate the effort put into the production

- Evaluate whether the applicant followed the submission date, presentation time, etc..

These evaluation criteria can be changed depending on the circumstance


m Evaluation Criteria


Total Points














m Monetary Award Size

- Name of Award : JBCIA, Chairman of the Board Award

- Number of Awards : Total of 22 teams / Prize total 10,000,000 KRW


Long film (KRW)

Number of awards

Short film (KRW)

Number of awards

Grand Prize





First Prize

1,000,000 (each)


400,000 (each)


Second Prize

700,000 (each)


300,000 (each)


Third  Prize

300,000 (each)


100,000 (each)


※ If there are no applicants who fulfill the evaluation criteria, a selection may not be made


5. Precaution


m The above schedule and event plan may vary depending on the COVID-19 situation

m Refer to the examples given above for suitable topics, but any topic related to Jeollabuk-do can be chosen even if it is not given as an example above

m Fill out all details on the application form accurately when submitting

m The work must be produced after this announcement is released and must be original content that has not received awards from other contests

m If all or part of the work has already been circulated, or if it exhibits sensationalism, violence, advertising, other content of a commercial nature, etc. that does not meet the purpose of the contest, it will be excluded from the shortlist

m  The applicant is legally responsible for all civil and criminal disputes over copyright, portrait rights, intellectual property rights (sound, video, image, illustration, typeface, etc.), defamation, plagiarism, and if such facts are identified after giving an award, the award will be canceled and the prize returned

m  Use audio sources without copyright issues when producing videos
※Inquiry about the audio source copyrights can be made to the Korea Music Copyright Association(

m  The awarded videos will be used to promote projects of the JBCIA (Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs) in the future and may be reproduced

m When submitting, the applicant shall be deemed to have consented to the use of their film(*the awarded video) under the conditions and methods of reproduction stated in this contest’s terms and conditions and that any royalties for using the applicant's artwork may be replaced with the prize money

m  The awarded video must be posted publicly on YouTube for one year (until June 30, 2023) and the video file submitted to the JBCIA

m  The size of the award, prize money, and schedule may vary depending on the circumstances of the promoter

m If the submitted work doesn't fulfill a certain standard it may not be selected, or not used after receiving an award

m  Only one video can be submitted by each participant (or team), one entry cannot win in both of the two categories

You have to apply for only one field among the short and long films categories

m  In the case of a team receiving an award, the prize money will be transferred to the team’s representative
※Incurred tax is the awardee’s responsibility / prize money will be paid after tax deduction in accordance to the related tax law

m Score and rank are not disclosed to anyone other than the awardees

m If there is any difference of opinion in interpreting the work, the managing institution’s opinion will be taken

m Submitted documents will not be returned.