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Spring 2023 KNU Video Contest


The Office of International Affairs at Kyungpook National University holds the 『Spring 2023 KNU Video Contest』 event for the international exchange and double degree students.
The remarkable videos, as expected, serve as an introduction of KNU to international students who are interested in visiting the university in the future. Any international exchange and double degree student is welcomed to make and submit a video about one of the following themes for a chance to win the prizes.
The following includes the detailed schedules and conditions of the Spring 2023 KNU Video Contest.

Contest Themes
1) 3 Best Things to do at KNU
2) 3 Tips for Future KNU Exchange Students
3) 3 Things You Didn't Know Before You Come to Korea or KNU
4) Your Personal Vlog as a KNU Exchange Student

1) Students can participate in the contest as an individual or a team
2) Students can create the video in their own languages or in English. If they choose to create it in their own language, English subtitles are required.

Standards of Video
1) Videos with a running time of around 3 minutes.
(It is highly recommended to make your video between 2 to 3 minutes long.)
2) Videos should be filmed horizontally. (with ratio of 4:3 or 16:9 etc)
3) Full HD or higher resolution quality is recommended.

Submission: by May 19 (Friday), 2023
1) Application form (attachment 1)
2) Personal information collection and usage agreement (attachment 2)
3) Video(s)
* Submit form 1) and 2) to the Office of International Affairs (Sohee Koo)
* Submit the video 3) by email

1) Application submission: May 15 to May 19, 2023
2) Evaluation: May 22 to May 26, 2023
3) Result announcement: May 29, 2022
4) Awards ceremony: June 2, 2023 (expected)

Screening Criteria (100-point scale)
1) Memorable/Creative (50 points): Does the video draw in the viewer and keep their attention?
2) Content Quality (30 points): What is the overall quality (visual and sounds) of the video?
3) Appeal (20 points): Does the video effectively represent KNU experiences and promote KNU international programs?

1) 1st place: KRW 300,000
2) 2nd place: KRW 200,000
3) 3rd place: KRW 100,000

1) For The images, video segments, and music that have been plagiarized or imitated without proper (i.e. legal) permission or ownership acknowledgment, the winner will be required to forfeit the prize, return the reward, and take full legal responsibility for the work.
2) All copyright, ownership, and usage rights of the winning entries belong to the Office of International at Kyungpook National University.
3) Winners must take full responsibility for any involvement in disputes regarding plagiarism or copyright infringement.
4) Use free sources, open sources, etc. to prevent copyright issues.
5) Only selected presentations (i.e. ones that meet pre-determined standards for content and quality) will qualify for prizes.

Office of International Affairs, Kyungpook National University
Contacts:, (+82) 053-950-2427