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  • 글씨크기확대
  • 글자크기기본
  • 글씨크기축소
  • 인쇄


Paying Tuition with Credit Cards


  • Current undergraduate and graduate school students as of August 2019 and those expecting to return for the 2019 2nd semester.
  • Entering students, applicants for installment payment, students who have exceeded the coursework period are ineligible to pay for tuition with credit cards.
    ※Applicants for differential payment who have paid the full tuition and are waiting for refund are also ineligible to pay tuition with credit cards.


  • Tuition and other payments (student union fee, medical expense, alumni fees)
    ※You cannot divide your payments with your credit card and cyber account if you are to combine your tuition fees and other payments together.

Card Company

  • Daegu Bank BC Card
  • National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (Nonghyup) BC Card and NH Card
  • Shinhan Card (debit card included)

Payment Method

Internet homepage (Your bank or card company’s website)

  • Daegu Bank : go to Daegu Bank internet banking →log in →utility bill →college tuition →payment with credit card
  • National Agricultural Cooperative Federation : go to Nonghyup internet banking →log in →personal banking →utility bill→college tuition →pay college tuition →select school (check the number on the bill), insert your student number, select status (current student)
  • Shinhan Bank : go to Shinhan internet banking →service →utility bill payment service →college tuition payment

Payment Period

  • Nonghyup and Daegu Bank : closes at 16:00 on the last day of payment (Payment is not possible from 23:00 until 01:00 on the following day, payment unavailable during the weekend and public holidays)
  • Shinhan Bank(Card) : closes at 16:00 on the last day of payment (payment accepted 24 hours during the payment period including the weekend and public holidays)

Pay with credit card at the bank (payment accepted until 16:00)
※If the credit card belongs to anyone other than the student (student’s parents), the actual holder of the card must visit the bank to pay tuition.

Payment Method and Charge

  • Payment Method : single payment, interest-free installment (3 months), installment with interest (within 6 months)
  • Interest with charge : depends on the card company and duration of installments

Cancelling Payment via Credit Cards

  • If paid at the bank
    • Cancellation is accepted until 16:00 on the day of payment (NOTE: payment cannot be cancelled afterwards. Even if the day after the payment is still within the tuition payment period, credit card payment cannot be cancelled)
    • To cancel, you must personally visit the bank.
  • If paid via the bank’s homepage (internet banking): payment cannot be cancelled
  • If paid via Shinhan Card homepage: cancellation accepted only for payments made on the same day


  • Students do not pay for any extra charged except for installment charges (4-6 months)
  • Payment cannot be made via both credit card and cyber account
  • Payment can be made via credit cards that do not belong to the student (e.g. credit cards belonging to the student’s parents)
  • Debit and corporate cards are not accepted (Shinhan debit card is accepted)
  • Students can confirm their payment directly through the tuition payment document.


  • General Inquiries : Finance Office (+82-53-950-2624)
  • Inquiries on tuition payment via Daegu Bank BC Card: Daegu Bank KNU Branch(+82-53-944-1081, 1588-4000)
  • Inquiries on tuition payment via Nonghyup BC Card and NH Card: Nonghyup KNU Branch (+82-53-939-2011)
  • Inquiries on tuition payment via Shinhan Card : Shinhan Card Daegu Branch(+82-53-320-3716)