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Lithuanian Ambassador to Korea Visits KNU and Discusses Expansion of Exchange Cooperation

On November 24th, Lithuanian Ambassador to Korea Ricardas Slepavicius visited Kyungpook National University and discussed expanding exchange and cooperation opportunities with Kyungpook National University President Hong Won-hwa.

In an interview with President Hong, Ambassador Slepavicius proposed the expansion of dual degree programs in fields such as electronic engineering and biotechnology, in addition to increased cooperation in joint research and exchange opportunities between Kyungpook National University and Vilnius Institute of Technology. President Hong responded by confirming that he would actively promote exchange opportunities between Kyungpook National University and Lithuanian universities. On this occasion, KNU alumni Park Kwang-beom, Honorary Consul of Lithuania (and Director of Daegu Mir Dental Hospital), also attended.

Kyungpook National University has signed academic exchange agreements with three Lithuanian universities, namely Vilnius University of Technology, Vilnius University, and ISM School of Business and Economics, and currently conducts various types of student exchange programs, such as the 3+1 dual degree system and exchange student programs. Currently, four Lithuanian students are studying at KNU, while KNU has dispatched seven of its own students to Lithuania this year.

The Lithuanian Embassy in Korea was opened last year, and Ambassador Slepavicius was appointed Lithuanian Ambassador to Korea in October.