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KNU Graduate School: Educating Global Leaders


KNU Graduate School: Educating Global Leaders


Kyungpook National University’s graduate school is taking measures to enhance its post-PhD program. On March 20, a graduate school policy committee met to discuss ways of developing post-doctoral programs and drew up a blueprint for KNU graduate school advancement.


The objective is to support a study-oriented graduate school based on education that will produce global academic leaders who possess advanced knowledge, professionalism, leadership abilities, and insight. To achieve this, KNU plans to initiate various endeavors including a pre-graduate school system for undergraduate students, a qualification system for presenting doctoral-degree theses, and a group mentoring system with professors from various majors.


Plans also include research support for graduate students, post-doctorate programs, the establishment of an international college cooperation commission, and the development of courses for writing Korean papers targeting foreign graduate students.


The driving force behind this revitalizing strategy is the 13.69 billion won that KNU will receive as a result of having 22 project teams chosen by the Ministry of Education and the National Research Foundation of Korea for the BK21 Plus Business Program last year.

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