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Chinese Government Scholarship Application

Chinese Government Scholarship Application
1. How can I get the latest information about Chinese Government Scholarship?
You can get the up-to-date scholarship information by visiting or You can also consult the Chinese Embassy (Consulate General) in your home country or designated Chinese universities for your interested information.
2. What programs can I apply for? When and where can I apply?
Usually the application opens between January and early April. You should apply and send the required documents to the application receiving agencies before the deadline. The table below tells you when and where to send your applications.
Scholarship programs
When to apply
Where to send the application
Supporting category
Scholarship coverage
Bilateral Program
January to early April (please consult the application receiving agencies for specific deadline for each program)
dispatching authorities in applicant’s home country
undergraduate students
master’s students
doctoral students
general scholars
senior scholars
full scholarship or partial scholarship
Chinese University Program
designated Chinese universities
master’s students
doctoral students
full scholarship
Great Wall Program
National Commissions for UNESCO in applicant’s home country
general scholars
senior scholars
full scholarship
EU Program
Office for Education and Culture, Mission of P. R. China to EU
undergraduate students
master’s students
doctoral students
general scholars
senior scholars
full scholarship
AUN Program
AUN Secretariat
master’s students
doctoral students
full scholarship
PIF Program
PIF Secretariat
undergraduate students
master’s students
doctoral students
general scholars
senior scholars
full scholarship
WMO Program
WMO Secretariat
undergraduate or graduate students of meteorology, hydrology, and water resources supervision & management.
partial scholarship
3. What are application steps of Chinese Government Scholarship?
The illustration below may help you understand the general application steps. There might be minor differences between programs. Please read the introductions to each program for detailed guidance.
4. Can I apply for Chinese Government Scholarship without Admission Letters?
Yes. Applicants without Admission Letter are equally allowed to apply for Chinese Government Scholarship. However, CSC reserves the right to make necessary adjustments/changes to candidate’s host university, field of study, supporting categories and duration of scholarship if your Pre-admission Letter is not enclosed in your application documents. Applications enclosed with Pre-admission Letter will be sent directly to the host universities for placement confirmation.
5. Does the Letter of Acceptance or email from the supervisor equal to a Pre-admission Letter?
No. Only Pre-admission Letters (or Admission Letters) issued by the admissions office of designated Chinese universities are considered valid. Other files like acceptance letters from potential supervisors or emails from supervisors or professors shall not be regarded as the equivalent or substitute.
6. What is “Agency Number” and where can I get it?
Agency Number is the first required item that must be filled when applying online at CSC Online Application System for International Students. Each Agency Number stands for a specific application receiving agency and will be given to the recommended candidates only. A correct Agency Number will lead to the presence of the corresponding application receiving agency while a wrong one will lead to the application rejection. You will only get your Agency Number from your application receiving agency (e.g. Chinese embassy, AUN Secretariat, etc.) when you are recommended as a candidate.
7. How can I login the CSC Online Application System for International Students?
① Go to or, and click the icon “Application Online for International Students” to enter the system.
②First-time users should register before entering the online application page.
③Please use Internet Explorer (6.0 or 7.0).Menu selection functions may not work in other browsers.
8. What do I need to pay special attention to when applying online?
①Please select the program CHINESE GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP.
②The item Apply for refers to the program you want to study rather than the degree you have already held.
③Majors should be one of the existing majors offered by Chinese universities and be based on your actual educational background. A nonexistent or improper major input will affect your application result.
④Preference of Institutions must be chosen from 279 Chinese universities designated by MOE. Any institution beyond the list will not be available for recruitment.
⑤Duration of the Major Study should match the program you apply for. Please check introductions to each program for the specific schooling period.
⑥ Submitted applications can be retrieved for revision. Once retrieved, the previously submitted application becomes invalid. Therefore, revised application should be submitted one more time.
9. How to write a Study Plan or Research Proposal?
A Study Plan or Research Proposal states in details what you are going to do with the scholarship in China. It must include such information as the major you want to study in or the field of your research interest. It is of vital importance for those applicants for graduate studies or senior scholar programs, so please make sure your study plan or research proposal states those information as specific as possible.
10. What supporting documents should be included in my application package?
Generally, applicants must fill in and provide the following documents truly, correctly and completely (in duplicate).
①Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship(in Chinese or English)
②Notarized highest diploma (photocopy)
③ Academic transcripts
④A study plan or research proposal
⑤ Recommendation letters
⑥Applicants for music studies are requested to submit a CD of the applicants’ own works. Applicants for fine arts programs must submit a CD of the applicants’ own works (including two sketches, two color paintings and two other works)
⑦Applicants under the age of 18 should submit the valid documents of their legal guardians in China.
⑧Applicants planning to stay in China for more than 6 months must submit a photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form( valid for 6 months).
⑨Applicants with Pre-admission Letter/Admission Letter from designated universities should enclose the letter in the application package.
⑩Applicants with valid HSK Certificate should enclose it in the application package.
The above documents should be bound on top left corner (in duplicate) in order. No application documents will be returned.
11. Do I have to register for Chinese-taught programs?
①If you are an undergraduate student, you must register for Chinese-taught credit courses. If your Chinese language proficiency does not meet the requirements of your host university, you must take one-year Chinese language/preparatory courses in one of the 9 designated universities and pass the required tests before moving on to your major studies. Failure to pass the required tests will lead to the automatic termination of your scholarship.
②If you are a graduate student or a non-degree student, you can register for either Chinese-taught program or English-taught program if applicable. You can check Program Search to find your interested program.
Scholarship recipients of Chinese-taught programs without adequate Chinese language proficiency must take Chinese language training courses for one to two years to reach the language requirements of their host universities before moving on to major studies. Failure to reach the required language proficiency will lead to the termination of scholarship.
Recipients in such programs as Science, Engineering, Agriculture, Medicine, Economics, Management, Law and Fine arts will take Chinese courses for one year. Recipients of Liberal Arts, History, Philosophy and Chinese Medicine will take Chinese courses for no more than two years.
Scholarship students of English-taught program or with adequate Chinese language proficiency (with valid HSK certificate) do not need to take Chinese language training courses.
12. Which Chinese universities are under the Chinese Government Scholarship scheme?
A total of 279 Chinese universities are designated by MOE to accept Chinese Government Scholarship students from which you can choose your target university. You can check A List of the Chinese Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Scheme for programs and universities available.
13. Can I apply directly to Chinese universities for Chinese Government Scholarship?
Only the 271 designated Chinese universities under the CGS-Chinese University Program will accept the scholarship application. You can search your interested university in A List of 271 Designated Chinese Universities Undertaking This Program.
14. Can I apply for more than one scholarship program?
Yes, but each scholarship winner can be granted with no more than one scholarship. CSC reserves the right to grant only one scholarship to each individual winner.
15. How can I know the admission result?
The admission result will be announced by the application receiving agencies in late July. You can consult the application receiving agencies for admission result then.
16. Why is the host university sometimes not my target university?
For the applications without Pre-admission Letter, CSC reserves the right to make necessary adjustments/changes to candidate’s host university, field of study, supporting categories and duration of scholarship based on the scholarship requirements of different countries, accepting capacity of universities, requirements of different programs and the qualification of applicants.
FromDate:02-24-2012 Attention:78625
1. How should I apply for the visa to study in China?International students should apply for “X” visa or “F” visa at the Chinese Embassy or Consulate-General to study in China with the original documents and one set of photocopies of the:(1) Visa Application for Study In China (JW201 or JW202),(2)Admission Notice,(3)Foreigner Physical Examination Form,(4)A valid ordinary passport.International students must enter China with the original copies of the above documents. A person coming to China with other types of passports, visas or without the original documents will not be able to register with the institution, nor will they be able to apply for residence in China.X (study) visas are issued to those coming to China for study or an internship for a period of more than six months.F (business) visas are issued to those invited to China to do business or study for a period of less than six months.Students organized in form of groups and stay less than 6 months can apply for the F group visas by the authorized invitation letters or fax of the duly authorized unit.International students should apply for Residence Permit for Foreigners from the division of exit-entry administration of local public security bureau within thirty days upon arrival in China.
2. What health verification should be presented if I want to go to China?After arriving in China, international students are required to go to the Health quarantine bureau to confirm the Physical Examination Record for Foreigner within prescribed time limit. Students failing to provide Physical Examination Record for Foreigner must have physical examination at the local Health Quarantine Bureau. If the student is diagnosed to have any disease the laws prohibit entry in China, he/she must return to his/her country at his own expense.
3. How are health verification and residence permit applied for?Health verification: Scholarship students who are to stay in China for more than 6 months are requested to bring their passports, Admission Notice, the original Foreigner Physical Examination Form and the Blood Test Report to the local health and quarantine office within the due time to have their medical examination reports verified. Scholarship students who do not meet the requirements of the above authority will be required to re-take the medical examination. Those who refuse to re-take the medical examination or are diagnosed with diseases that are not permitted to stay in China according to the Chinese laws and regulations will be required to leave China.Residence Permit: After the health verification, the scholarship students must apply for residence permit to the local police authority with their passports, Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201) within 30 days upon their arrival.Note: Expenses incurred in the procedures above shall be born by the scholarship students themselves.
4. I have already bought insurance in America. Do I need to buy insurance again in China?International students are required to buy both medical insurance and personal accidental death and injury insurance. You can buy them either in your own country or in China after your arrival.