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  • 글씨크기확대
  • 글자크기기본
  • 글씨크기축소
  • 인쇄


Questionnaire on International Research Mobility


Welcome to our online survey!

Thank you very much for your interest in our study on the mobility behaviour of international researchers.


This survey is targeted at researchers who are currently in one of the following career stages:

1. bachelor's and master’s degree students who are interested in pursuing an academic career
2. doctoral students
3. post-doc researchers (e.g. associate professors, research fellows, research assistants, lecturers etc.)

With this questionnaire, we hope to learn more about your motivation for conducting a scientific/academic research stay abroad. We are also interested in what kind of information you need and what sources of information you use. The results can potentially help universities and research institutes around the world gain a better understanding of the situation of international researchers and respond more efficiently to their concerns.


This survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.
Note: For privacy reasons your answers are not cached.


Publication of the results:
The findings of the survey will be published in a German and an English study at the beginning of 2019.


Click to Questionnaire on International Research Mobility

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