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2013 : All about International Programs


2013 :  All about International Programsxml:namespace prefix = o />

On October 2nd, KNU held an international programs festival in the newly renovated main auditorium. The festival, titled “2013: All About International Programs”, was linked with  the “2013 UnivExpo Daegu”, and offered information on various programs such as student exchange, overseas internship, International Writing Center, and KNU Buddy programs.


In the lobby of the first and second floors of the auditorium, there were numerous information desks, as well as 30 booths run by international students representing 30 different countries. The booths, which were prepared by KNU volunteer students, received an enthusiastic response, giving students a chance to learn about the various programs offered by KNU, as well as the countries to which they could travel should they decide to participate.


Geun-bae Song, Chair of the Office of International Affairs at KNU, said of the event: “Today, KNU operates exchange programs with 51 nations, 342 Universities and Laboratories, and offers students the opportunity to experience different global standards through various international programs. We also offer foreign students a lot of opportunities as exchange students here at KNU. I hope this festival gave all students a chance to develop their international perspective and global competence”.


Reported by Joe Ik-Sue, VERITAS Alpha

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