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Wow Korea Supporters


Wow Korea Supporters

(Korea Tourism Organization Asian SNS supporters group)

Korea Tourism Organization are recruiting people from Middle East and South-East Asia living in Korea to participate in a program called ‘Wow Korea Supporters’ –creating media content on the internet after travel and experiencing Korean culture.

We are looking for participants who are not just interested in travelling, but also want to experience and communicate with culture of Korea, and want to tell it to the worlds through SNS.

□ Program name: “Wow Korea”, Korea Tourism Organization Foreign on-line supporters group

□ Recruiting subjects :

Any citizens of Middle East and Southeast Asia residing in Korea

□ Eligibility:

Anyone who can speak English or Korean

Number of members :

From 20 to 30

□ Recruitment criteria :

Application form, English or Korean skills, SNS evaluation

Application period

: 2013 June 27 (Thu) ~2013 July 7 (Sun)

Participant announcement:

2013 July 10 (Wed) on the homepage and private e-mail

□ Launch ceremony:

2013 July 12 (Fri) ( If you don’t attend, you may be

□ Tenure :

2013 July~ 2013 December

□ Activities

- Trips to the sights of Seoul, Seoul Metropolitan Area, Suncheon Garden Exhibition,

Sancheong World Traditional Medicine Fair, field trips and experience in Busan,

Ulsan, Gyeongsangnam-do etc. (around 4-5 times)

- Accomplish missions during the trip, create relevant media content and upload it on

personal SNS pages

- Create other multi-media contents for KTO after the trip

Trip courses and expenses are the responsibilities of KTO;

advises about creating media contents will be issued to chosen supporters

□ Benefits

- Certificate of activity will be issued after the Wow Korea Supporters activity finishes

- Issue of business cards from Wow Korea Supporters

- Opportunities to visit various beautiful places for free and participate cultural events and performances related to Korea, or those hosted by the KTO

- Upon evaluation by the KTO, supporters who have shown outstanding on-offline activities will receive group and private awards

How to Apply

-Download the application form from Wow Korea Facebook group

( and send to the manager, after completing

the form Cho, Sumin (


- KTO manager Cho, Sumin

- Phone number: 02-6000-4467

- E-mail:

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