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KNU Video Contest Spring 2014


KNU Video Contest Spring 2014



KNU Office of International Affairs is hosting 2014 Spring Video Contest for international students at KNU. International students are invited to make and submit a short movie about life at KNU or in Korea for a chance to win one of three prizes.


1.    Eligibility: International students at KNU

2.    Movie Subject: Promotion Video- Your Life at KNU or in Korea

3.    Focus: Introduce KNU to your friends back home and highlight fun and interesting events at KNU or in Korea.

4.    Language : You can make a video either in your language or in English.

If you are making one in your language, English subtitle is needed to put in the video

5.    How to apply:

      - Make a video (Running time should be around 5 minutes)

      - Either Individual or team entries are acceptable

      - Turn in video CD with an application form (attached file)

6.    Application and Video Submission : May 16(Fri.) ~ May 19(Mon.) 2014,

7.                                       Office of International Affairs

8.    Awards: Prizes will be awarded to the winning teams.

-    1st prize : 300,000won

-    2nd prize : 200,000won

-    3rd prize : 100,000won

9.    NOTE: Only selected presentations (i.e. ones that meet pre-determined standards for content and quality) will qualify for prizes. Where only 1 presentation meets the required standards, 1st prize will be awarded to that team.


If you have any questions, contact Niki Lee at the Office of International Affairs

(Tel: 950-6543/ E-mail:



Office of International Affairs