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공지사항 List
No. Title File Date Hit
Notice Winners of the Spring 2024 Video Contest    2024/06/07 1088
Notice 2024 Korea-Japan Future Talent Invitational Program    File File 2024/05/17 1396
Notice 2024 Local Specialized Visa Program for Daegu Seo-gu and Nam..    2024/03/28 2321
Notice 2024 KNU Global Korea Scholarship Graduate(GKS-G) Program    File File 2024/02/16 8333
Notice 2024 KNU Global Korea Scholarship Undergraduate(GKS-U) Progr..    File File 2023/09/18 11640
Notice KNU Library User Guide-Find&Borrow Library    File File 2023/03/06 13795
Notice KNU Library User Guide-How to use electronic journal    File File 2023/03/06 11858
Notice KNU Library User Guide-How to use materials not available in..    File File 2023/03/06 11756
Notice KNU Library User Guide-Library Facility Information    File File 2023/03/06 12079
Notice KNU LIBRARY    File File 2023/02/27 12579
67 2015 Autumn Picnic for Internatioanl Students   File file 2015/10/22 20937
66 KNU cafeteria menu in English is available at   2015/10/19 38576
65 Invitation to Korean traditional tea meeting   2015/10/13 87543
64 KNU cafeteria menu_3nd week of October   File file 2015/10/12 91979
63 KNU cafeteria menu_2nd week of October   File file 2015/10/05 94224
62 2015 전국 학생 문화유산 영어 해설 경진대회   File file 2015/09/16 93604
61 서문시장 전통시장 유랑단 (9.19)   2015/09/16 91915
60 광복 70주년 독도의 달 기념 국민글짓기 대회 및 외국인 스피치 대회 (..   2015/09/10 93121
59 2015 KNU DAY EVENT-Baseball Game ticket for KNU international stud..   2015/09/08 98959
58 2016 KGSP(Korean Government Scholarship Program) Guideline for an ..   File file 2015/09/01 98284